Today in Suicide Squad: China denies release as EP joins Trump’s economic board

Unlike some other contemporary blockbusters—like Iron Man 3, for example, which added four minutes of footage featuring local stars for its Chinese release—Suicide Squad doesn’t give a fuck about China. And, as a result, it probably won’t get a release in the world’s second-largest movie market, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Even thought it officially opens today in the U.S. after raking in $20 million overnight at preview showings, the film has yet to be added to the official Chinese release calendar, which is usually set months in advance. Unlike the country’s ban on Ghostbusters last month, however, the passive-aggressive move has nothing to do with the film’s supernatural elements. Instead, THR speculates that the film’s “dark and anarchic tone” may be inhibiting its Chinese release, with censors presumably fearing that the film will drive its populace to madness with how twisted it is.

Or maybe they just think that the people who made it are assholes. Like Steven Mnuchin, one of the executive producers of the movie, who previously worked as a fundraiser for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and now has joined Trump’s top-notch, excellent, simply most smartest (and all-male) economic advisory board, according to Entertainment Weekly. It makes sense, if you think about it—Trump could use someone who has expertise in getting people to support something, even as people who get paid to express their informed opinions about such thing keep telling them it’s more rotten than a split-open bag of garbage on a New York sidewalk on an August afternoon.

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