Today's Trailer Happy Hour has Insecure, Stephen King, and a gay conversion camp

Today's Trailer Happy Hour has Insecure, Stephen King, and a gay conversion camp

We don’t know about you, but today we feel a little more ready for Trailer Happy Hour than we normally do. It’s a good day to just pour a big glass of trailers, chug ‘em all down, and then quietly contemplate the movies and TV shows that we’ll be seeing in the future. Today we’ve got a teaser for the next season of Insecure, some new footage from Hulu’s Castle Rock, the romantic saga of Life Itself, and a movie about gay conversion therapy that probably won’t make it look as cool as Mike Pence would like to think it is.

This trailer for season three of HBO’s is good and has some funny stuff, but honestly we’re very distracted by the fact that the captions on it have emoji. We imagine some old-fashioned caption-readers might be offended by this blatant pandering to—ugh—young people, but we actually think it’s a good idea. A TV show would save so much time if it could just put an emoji at the bottom of the screen instead of actually saying the words “woman crossing her arms” or “eggplant.” Anyway, Insecure comes back on August 12.

Castle Rock still looks delightfully spooky, and this one even has some Stephen King Easter eggs that we don’t remember from the previous trailers. The kid who played Pennywise and the prominent appearance of Shawshank State Penitentiary are obvious, but we’re excited to dip back into some of the King nerdery that we didn’t get from The Dark Tower (because it was so bad). Castle Rock premieres on Hulu on July 25.

Remember the initial trailers for This Is Us, and how they carefully avoided spoiling what the show is actually about? We’re getting the exact same vibe from this trailer for Life Itself. Some of the stuff here is definitely happening at a different time than some of the other stuff, and we can’t shake the feeling that there’s some big drama being subtly sidestepped in favor of the happy, romantic scenes. Anyway, the movie comes from writer and director Dan Fogelman, the creator of—holy shit—This Is Us. We just blew this whole damn thing wide open.

Finally, we have Chloë Grace Moretz escaping from a gay conversion camp with some friends in the ‘90s in The Miseducation Of Cameron Post. This trailer leans harder on lame religious stuff than homophobic torture, but we imagine there’ll be plenty of stuff in here to make you hate Mike Pence and the other right-wing creeps who support this kind of inhuman treatment anyway. It’ll be in select theaters on August 3.

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