Todd Barry offers quotes for email signatures

Always a forward-thinking innovator, comedian Todd Barry now has a page on his website offering numerous quotes that you can use in your email signature: So instead of the usual crap like "War is not good for children and other living things" or that hilarious thing Rainn Wilson said in that Office episode, you can have real-life quotes from an "alternative" comedian! Here's a small sampling:

It's probably best to buy name brand razor blades.
— Todd Barry, on buying razor blades

My gut tells me that Katie Couric wears nice perfume.
— Todd Barry, on his gut instinct about the quality of Katie Couric's perfume.

"I like Cilantro, but you don't have to."
— Todd Barry, on his tolerant view of cilantro

"This fax machine is kind of shitty."
— Todd Barry, on his new fax machine

You can see the full list here. Thank you, Todd!

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