Tokyo Police Club: Elephant Shell

It's generally good when bands mature: Youthful
exuberance and attitude can only be convincing for so long. Tokyo Police Club,
a Canadian outfit populated by young men barely into their 20s, came out
swinging with A Lesson In Crime, an EP that made up for in fiery energy what it
lacked in running time. Elephant Shell, TPC's debut full-length (if 28 minutes
constitutes "full-length") is crackling with fun and life, but it also feels
naggingly like a band trying to grow up too fast. Adrenaline-rush moments are
parceled out more carefully than they should be: "Tessellate" and "Your English
Is Good" pulse with punk-inspired life, and "Sixties Remake" adds layers the
band hadn't tried before, without sacrificing energy. But when things slow down
too much, it's like the flip side of a graying band trying to rock too hard:
"The Harrowing Adventures Of…" is nicely chilled, but ultimately pretty
forgettable. Elsewhere, there's a more obvious tension between the urge to
redline and the desire for something more grandiose: "Nursery, Academy" adds
swelling keyboards, but only half-succeeds at it. "Centennial" does the same
thing better, because it snarls when it should and retreats when the time is
right. If Elephant Shell had been packed with such immediate songs, it would've been
more successful. As it stands, it's a really good album by a band that
should've made—and still might make—a really, really great one.

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