Tom Cruise Controls The Media

We all know Tom Cruise is crazy.

Well, he's no longer just riding-a-motorcycle-on-German-TV crazy. No, now he's crazy enough to think that online polls (for

Parade magazine, no less) sway public opinion. The NY Post, is reporting that someone rigged a recent Parade magazine poll in Cruise's favor. recently asked online readers whether they thought Cruise was responsible for his disastrous public relations year or if it was the media's fault. A shocking 84 percent of respondents blamed the press. But Parade publicist Alexis Collado tells us: "We at Parade found this a little bit fishy, so we did some investigating. We found out more than 14,000 (of the 18,000-plus votes) that came in were cast from only 10 computers! One computer was responsible for nearly 8,400 votes alone, all blaming the media for Tom's troubles…There is even a chance they wrote a special 'bot' program for the sole purpose of skewing the results, rather than casting the votes by hand on a computer."

And we all know how familiar Tom Cruise is with "bots."

So, to sum up, here's a list of things that Tom Cruise has rigged in his favor:

1. A Magazine poll (Next time, maybe he'll go for a an poll or one of the incredibly influential polls as well).


Comedy Central

3. Drug addicts

4. Katie Holmes

5. Katie's uterus, for what seems like

way longer than 9 months.

6. A whole slew of Body Thetans.

Did I miss anything?

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