Tom Hanks lists the three Tom Hanks movies he, Tom Hanks, had the best time making

Hanks talked to Bill Simmons about his experiences filming A League Of Their Own, Cast Away, and Cloud Atlas

Tom Hanks lists the three Tom Hanks movies he, Tom Hanks, had the best time making
Tom Hanks, unfortunately, didn’t comment on whether he enjoyed working with the soulless metal husk to his right. Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez

Tom Hanks has made a lot of well-loved movies, which is why, during a recent appearance on The Bill Simmons Podcast, it was only natural for Simmons to ask his guest if it was possible for him to name the three movies he’s starred in that he likes best.

Because Hanks is a professional who both knows how to answer an interview question and do so in a way that avoids hurting the feelings of past collaborators, Hanks doesn’t rank the movies in order of which he thinks came out the best, but by which ones he enjoyed filming the most.

The first he names is A League Of Their Own, mostly because, as he puts it, “all I did all summer was play baseball.” Hanks says he had his kids with him, too, and enjoyed just living simply in the Midwest, eating Burger King and Dairy Queen, and playing ball.

The second movie named is Cast Away because, as it turns out, pretending to be a man on a deserted island who must perform amateur self-surgery while hanging out with his best friend, a volleyball, is a lot more enjoyable than the real experience. Hanks says filming in Fiji was “nothing but adventures every single day, every single night.” He also talks about getting up every morning “in nothing but a Speedo and a t-shirt” to look at the stars in the morning sky and swim in the ocean on his way to the boat that took him to the island for filming.

Lastly, Hanks says he had a great time filming Cloud Atlas, specifically citing his time in Germany being “surrounded by history” and citing the crew’s dedication to the movie, which he says was a “magical” experience.

So there you have it directors: If you want Hanks to think back fondly on his time working with you, let him play lots of baseball on a German beach.

[via Digg]

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