Tom Hanks, other famous people join movement to bring The Onion a Pulitzer

Tom Hanks, other famous people join movement to bring The Onion a Pulitzer

One of the toughest early lessons humans learn—besides the fragility of life via the death of countless goldfish—is that life isn't fair. But sometimes we get so fed up about life's unfairness that we choose to fight back, to fight for the recognition that we or others deserve. That's the driving force behind Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes. They've decided it's high time that the Pulitzer Board recognize the journalistic genius that goes on at The Onion with its own Pulitzer. (Yes, AFAJP was started by The Onion, and yes, The Onion is the sister publication to The A.V. Club, but we love them anyway.) And now the AFAJP is being joined in its campaign by famous people like Mikheil Saakashvili, the President of Georgia, and Gayle King, best friend to Oprah. Today, the group received a boost from one of America's greatest treasures: Tom Hanks, star of The Man With One Red Shoe and The Money Pit. The campaign is taking over social media, heading to both Twitter and Facebook. So what are you waiting for? Join the campaign because we all know Tom Hanks would only ever use his power for good, not evil.

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