Tom Holland offers an update on what it’s like being Spider-Man

As Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben used to always say before he was brutally killed in an attack that someone with spider-powers could’ve easily prevented, “with great star-making role in high-profile superhero movie comes great responsibility.” Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Tom Holland is well aware of this, and he already understands the price you have to pay if you want to be Spider-Man. Granted, his father-figure wasn’t killed or anything, but he does have to wear a pretty snug costume while filming. That’s its own kind of responsibility.

As reported by Variety, Holland offered up his opinion on the Spidey suit at the New York Film Festival premiere of The Lost City Of Z, saying that it’s “not the greatest thing” to wear. Still, though, he adds that “when it’s uncomfortable, you just have to remind yourself of the long list of actors that would love to be in that suit” and just say “fuck it, I’m the luckiest kid alive.” That positive attitude seems like it’ll be great for Holland, especially since there has been a lot of turnover in the Spider-Man business for the last few years. Going into the spider-office with a smile will probably mean good things for his future career moves, whether they’re spider-related or not.

Speaking of the future, Holland also touched on whether or not he’ll swing by any upcoming Avengers movies, explaining that “it’s all up in the air” at the moment. He thinks “some sort of deal is in the mix,” but he’s “unclear as to what that deal is.” The implication there is that he’ll show up wherever they tell him to show up, which is probably the right answer for a 20-year-old who just got an amazing new job.

Anyway, here’s a video his chair breaking during a Lost City Of Z panel:

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