Tomb Raider and Witcher 3 lead WGA’s video game writing award nominees

After sweet graphics, tight gameplay, epic boss fights, tacked-on online multiplayer, and pay-to-win downloadable content, the story is easily the most important part of any modern video game (the ones that have a story, at least). The Writers Guild of America is hip to the trends of today, so—just as it does for movies and TV shows—every year it gives an award to the best-written video game story. The Hollywood Reporter has the full list of this year’s nominees, and while it’s a little too focused on big-name titles, it’s nice to highlight something good in the world of video games after that terrible Pixels movie.

The four nominated games (yes, there are only four) are Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Pillars Of Eternity, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Last year, two Assassin’s Creed games were nominated, so apparently that series is the video game equivalent of one of those movies were a good-looking actor makes themselves look really ugly. In other words, no matter how good it is, it’ll get a nomination.

The WGA’s video game award, along with all of its others, will be given out on February 13.

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