Tomi Lahren triggers lib snowflakes by glaring queasily into the middle distance

Fox News contributor, ObamaCare beneficiary, and descendent of immigrants Tomi Lahren is the Veruca Salt of the alt-right, a privileged, bloviating ghoul who won’t stop stomping her feet until all the libs are owned. Her latest stab at relevance comes in the form of the below image, which was posted by Conservative nonprofit group Turning Point USA. Lahren is a spokesperson for the organization and will speak at its upcoming Student Action Summit. She also, apparently, was given no time to pose.

Seriously, though. Did they run out of film? Did Glenn Beck walk in or something? Maybe somebody shouted “Obama” instead of “smile”?

Considering Turning Point USA are the geniuses behind that Kent State protest where grown-ass men crawled around in diapers while sucking pacifiers, maybe Lahren’s just reacting to the way those Huggies are chafing.

Anyway, liberal snowflakes everywhere were triggered to making fun of the picture, jabbing not only at the diaper babies behind it but also the Conservative party’s penchant for drama.

If you’d like to make a version of your own, Upworthy’s Parker Molloy has you covered.

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