Trainspotting 2 is fucking awesome, according to Robert Carlyle

Trainspotting 2 is fucking awesome, according to Robert Carlyle

Robert Carlyle, one of the fucking stars of the original fucking Trainspotting, has declared the script for the film’s planned fucking sequel, “one of the best scripts [he’s] fucking read.” (“I mean, ever,” he went on to clarify, in a sentence surprisingly devoid of the word “fuck.”) Penned by the original film’s screenwriter, John Hodge, from a loose adaptation of Porno, author Irvine Welsh’s follow-up to his best-selling book, the new script will apparently pick up 20 years after the end of the first movie.

Talking to NME, Carlyle said that he and the rest of the returning cast—which includes Johnny Lee Miller and Ewans Bremner and McGregor—read through the script earlier this year, with apparently positive reactions all around. “What John Hodge has done is just so clever,” he said, before laying out a little more of the movie’s fucking philosophical underpinnings. “The way John Hodge has put this thing down, obviously with the help of Danny Boyle, is to make it about how the characters’ lives have moved on… or have they?” (In the interest of Trainspotting 2 being a full-length movie, and not just a collection of well-adjusted people, talking about that time they met that fun ceiling baby or went swimming in the world’s worst swimming hole, we’re going to assume they haven’t.)

Speaking of the grip of the past, Carlyle—who now stars on ABC’s Once Upon A Time—also expressed his occasional ambivalence toward his role as aggressive boozer Begbie. “I can’t fucking escape it! But I’m grateful for it too—Begbie has been fucking terrific for me and my career.” (That presumably explains why he’ll fucking be there when Trainspotting 2 starts shooting next goddamn year.)

[via Variety]

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