Transparent creator Jill Soloway is developing a female buddy comedy for MTV

MTV annouced this week that it’s working on a new comedy series with Transparent creator Jill Soloway. The series, about two female friends who bond over feminism and their shared experience of being hit by lightning, is being developed by Soloway and writers Lyle Friedman and Ashley Skidmore. Soloway’s showrunning services have been in demand since she released Transparent last year on Amazon. (The show has received two Golden Globes and much critical acclaim, including a number eight spot on our list of the year’s best shows.)

Soloway was quick to heap praise on her co-writers, telling Variety that she was, “Excited to godmother this show and bring Lyle and Ashley’s fresh take on lady power to MTV,” in what we can only assume was a pun about the “getting hit with lightning” thing. We don’t know the title of the show yet, but we’re looking forward from the description to at least a few conversations that blend the characters’ twin interests. “I’m a big fan of women being paid an equitable wage, and also metal hats that stop lightning from hitting you,” one character will coo over coffee. “Metal hats are the best,” the other will respond, taking a sip. “Metal hats and suffrage.”

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