Tremble before Black Pepper in these exclusive Dangerous Men character posters

In the tradition of its neo-cult classic Miami Connection, Drafthouse Films is preparing to unleash Dangerous Men—a 20-year labor of love from outsider John S. Rad that (barely) received a theatrical release in 2005 and fully lives up to the promise of the director’s name—onto the world. The A.V. Club saw Dangerous Men at Fantastic Fest, where we were unable to reduce this all-you-can-eat buffet of inexplicable filmmaking decisions, comically inept stunt work, decades’ worth of ’80s style, and undeniable good intentions to a mere letter grade.

The film hits theaters across the U.S.—presumably on the midnight circuit—next month, and is definitely the kind of movie that should be seen with a crowd. In the meantime, we’ve got two exclusive character posters, one for the descriptively named “Police Detective” and one for big bad “Black Pepper,” whose hair we previously described as a “crimped Hulk Hogan wig purchased in the clearance bin of a local Halloween outlet,” although now we’re getting more of a moonshiner’s daughter vibe.

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