Trent Reznor is getting bored these days, says he'll write new music for Nine Inch Nails this year

Seems like all Trent Reznor does these days is eat, sleep, win Oscars, write two award-winning film scores in as many years, and record albums with his hard-rocking wife Mariqueen Maandig and their band How To Destroy Angels. Tasked with finding ways to occupy the other 23 hours of the day, the maverick composer/instrumentalist/producer/superhuman has announced he'll be writing for a resurrected Nine Inch Nails this year.

Reznor, who put Nine Inch Nails on an indefinite hiatus back in 2009, might just pick up the one-man industrial rock spectacle right where he left off. "It's all kind of hypothetical right now. When I sit down with a notebook and a little mini-recorder is when my bluff will be called, and then it might not happen at all," he says. "My voice as a songwriter feels like it needs to speak up or at least work out a little bit to not atrophy. I think I have something to say that feels unique to who I am right now, and that's when it tells me it's time to do something." [via Billboard]

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