Triple H accidentally stole the show at Linda McMahon’s Senate hearing

The Senate confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s cabinet picks rolled on this week. After producing some truly terrifying cringe comedy as Senators systematically destroyed the president’s nominee for Secretary Of Education, the recent proceedings have been noticeably less remarkable. Today, Linda McMahon—former CEO of WWE, failed Senate candidate, donor of at least $7 million to the Trump campaign, and the nominee for Administrator of the Small Business Administration—turned up the heat on what was otherwise another by-the-numbers hearing when she showed up with a couple of famous guests: her daughter, Stephanie McMahon, and son-in-law, popular wrestler Paul “Triple H” Levesque, the latter of whom sat behind Linda McMahon during the hearing and accidentally stole the spotlight for many who were watching.

And those who weren’t:

And even some of the senators conducting the hearing:

Most notably, those entranced by his presence included Cory Booker, New Jersey’s junior senator, who broke from his questioning of McMahon to address and rib the wrestling superstar. “I just want to say for the record, that your daughter is far more fierce and intimidating than your son-in-law,” Booker said to McMahon. “He and I are about the same age, almost exactly the same age, and Paul’s letting himself slip a little bit so after this maybe we should go to the Senate gym, so I can give Triple H some triple help in getting back in shape.” We assume this incredibly weak burn is the start of a Cory Booker vs. Triple H feud. After all, WrestleMania matches have been built from far less and these two still have a few months to really go at it before their inevitable clash on the grandest stage of them all. You can watch the full Linda McMahon hearing on C-Span’s website.

[via Uproxx]

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