"Tron Guy" not allowed to see Tron: Legacy looking like that

Onetime viral sensation “Tron Guy” is obviously receiving some new, tangential attention now that Tron: Legacy is out, but as TMZ reports, what should be the happiest week of his life has been all but sullied by a Minnesota movie theater. Tron Guy, real name Jay Maynard, gave his hometown cinema a heads-up that he would be attending Tron: Legacy in full costume—even though he's already seen it and wrangled a guest blog on Wired out of it and everything. So the theater “adamantly” insisted that he would not be admitted if he did. Maynard theorizes that it’s because the costume is “too distracting”—which seems logical, considering it glows in the fucking dark. Anyway, this is what passes for news when everyone is shutting down for the holidays, sorry.

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