Troubled former Queens Of The Stone Age bassist Nick Oliveri to contribute to new album

After employing Dave Grohl to play drums, Queens Of The Stone Age are unexpectedly looking to former bassist Nick Oliveri to contribute vocals to a song on the new record. Apparently, Queens frontman Josh Homme and Oliveri have let bygones be bygones following their heated split in 2004, where the goateed bassist was kicked out of band for being physically abusive to his girlfriend.

Since then, Oliveri hasn't exactly stayed out of trouble. He was responsible for another domestic dispute, this time involving a four-hour standoff with a S.W.A.T. team, a loaded rifle, and possession of cocaine and methamphetamines. After facing 15 years of prison and multiple felony counts for the incident, Oliveri pleaded "not guilty" and improbably struck a deal with prosecutors that allowed him to avoid jail time completely by doing three years of probation, community service, and anger management counseling.

Despite all this, a recent Facebook post from Oliveri's band Mondo Generator confirms that he has indeed "recently recorded his vocals on a new Queens Of The Stone Age song." Perhaps Mark Lanegan will also soon rejoin the band, thereby completely reuniting the lineup from its 2002 album Songs For The Deaf.

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