Trump “Fuck you” lawyer also involved in that fucking Frank Darabont case

How’s this for a fucking coincidence? On the same day Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, was forced to apologize for a series of e-mails in which he treated a Rachel Maddow viewer to such complicated legal mumbo-jumbo as “Fuck you,” “Watch your back, bitch,” “Don’t be afraid, you piece of shit,” and “I already know where you live,” he also filed court documents for AMC, calling out Frank Darabont for foul-mouthed internet diatribes related to his time on The Walking Dead. Truly, the universe is a cosmic ballet of people telling each other to go fuck themselves.

This odd conflation of fucks was noted by The Hollywood Reporter, which pointed out that Kasowitz really only has two clients: AMC, and Trump. And, given that he’s also the guy who regularly argues that Trump can’t be sued for sexual harassment while he’s in office—since it would distract the president from his own busy work, telling people to screw off in similar if less vulgar terms—maybe it’s not quite such a big surprise that Kasowitz’s day apparently revolves around either swearing at, or being at-sworn.

A spokesperson for Kasowitz apologized on his behalf; like Darabont, they cited Kasowitz’s long, tiring hours as the reason he felt compelled to send four separate profanity-laden, threatening emails to someone criticizing his line of work. Kasowitz also issued a statement of his own, saying he intends to send an apology e-mail to the person in question, at which point he, Darabont, and Trump will all presumably be able to relax, safe in the knowledge that sticks and stones may break your bones, but if you quickly apologize, you can live to scream threats at people another day.

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