Trump has enthusiastically accepted the support of (gulp) Randy Quaid

Trump has enthusiastically accepted the support of (gulp) Randy Quaid
Screenshot: ABC

Trump and his cult love to rail against the Hollywood elite, but the man’s sad desire to be embraced by celebrities can’t be smothered. That makes it all the more funny when celebs sue him for using their music, or turn down offers to play at his inauguration, or drop out of wildly expensive COVID propaganda programs, as happened with Dennis Quaid earlier this year.

Well, the name “Quaid” must still be drifting through the fog of Trump’s brain, as he spent Tuesday morning enthusiastically engaging with one on Twitter. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t Dennis, but rather his brother, Randy, the actor-turned-conspiracy theorist whose rants about “Hollywood Star Whackers” were famously accompanied by deranged sex tapes and arrest warrants.

His music career behind him, Quaid’s new thing is recording extremely close front-facing videos about Benghazi and Nancy Pelosi as rainbow lights flash against his face.

He’s also, in a shocking twist, a fervent supporter of President Trump. On Monday, for example, he replied to Trump’s tweet about allowing for a Biden transition by declaring there will “be no transition; there will be a second term.”

Quaid’s been a Trump reply guy for a while now, but it was only this morning, as Trump was also retweeting pro-Trump actor James Woods, that he caught the president’s eye. A delighted Trump retweeted and quote-tweeted a number of Quaid’s tweets. Replying to a tweet about Trump being “the greatest President this country has ever had,” Trump said, “Thank you Randy, working hard to clean up the stench of the 2020 Election Hoax!”

Most hilariously, however, is the one in which Trump retweeted a Quaid tweet with the question: “Are you listening Republicans?” As cucked as most Republicans have been made by the prez, it’s probable that even his most vile bootlickers don’t want to take orders from Randy fuckin’ Quaid. (That said, there’s no way the day ends without Ted Cruz quoting Cousin Eddie, is there?)

Perhaps more concerning are the videos of Quaid Trump retweeted. One mirrors the selfie videos from Quaid’s YouTube channel, with the actor hissing and sneering about how Fox News has forgotten the “golden goose.”

“TIME TO MAKE OAN & NEWSMAX RICH,” declares his tweet, which, we should emphasize, was shared by the President of the United States.

And then there’s this one. Quaid, flipping his chair around A.C. Slater-style, delivers a lofty monologue about how America has gone from “George Washington to George Soros” and that a “day of reckoning” is nigh. (He’s been talking to Papa John, hasn’t he?)

It’s only going to get weirder, folks.

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