Trump supporters protest The Man In The High Castle’s anti-Nazi radio station

Trump supporters protest The Man In The High Castle’s anti-Nazi radio station

As part of an ad campaign for its original series The Man In The High Castle, Amazon recently launched Resistance Radio, a streaming station set, like the Philip K. Dick adaptation itself, in an alternate 1962 America run by fascists. The pre-recorded program features “bootleg songs” alongside interstitials where underground DJs talk about standing up to Nazis, urging listeners to keep the fight alive in a nation that’s been overrun by fear, oppression, and authoritarian rule. For whatever reason, some conservatives have interpreted this as being about Donald Trump. And faced with what appears to be such a strong anti-Nazi statement, and a call for people who still believe in American ideals to stand up against the country’s destruction, naturally these patriots have rushed to loudly denounce it.

As io9 reported, a dystopian satire of the kind even Dick could not have imagined has played out today under Twitter’s #ResistanceRadio hashtag, which shot to the top of the site’s trending list thanks to a clearly demarcated paid promotion (or, as some have suggested, Twitter’s obvious liberal conspiracy). There, loyalists with as many as two American flag emojis in their usernames have been bravely standing up to this stupid, leftist, “don’t be a Nazi” claptrap, sneering generally at the prospect of anyone “resisting” anything, and laughing at all those idiots who just don’t get it. Idiots! Don’t these people who exist solely in a fantasy world realize they’re living in some kind of fantasy world?

What are they resisting when they’re given all the freedom they want to declare they’re resisting? Lol. Idiots #ResistanceRadio

— Christine Marat (@kyramarat1) March 10, 2017

Some others have mockingly reminded Amazon’s social media team that their little fake radio show will never be as successful as the many successful right-wing radio hosts out there, who remain beloved by people who still listen to the radio.

And even as each and every one of these tweets has since been met by someone explaining that they are railing against a TV show—a TV show about literal Nazis literally taking over America—most of their authors maintain that they are correct anyway, because liberals are stupid.

#ResistanceRadio It might be for a TV Show but anytime conservatives can get
the REAL TRUTH out to the liberals, IT’S GOOD!

— Frank Mueller (@cdmfdmjig) March 10, 2017

Some have even joined in the fun by getting into the spirit of the show. Really, really into it.

But for the most part, many see today’s swift, vehement backlash from true Americans who aren’t afraid to stand up for Nazis and can’t distinguish between real and fake media sources of information as clear evidence that Trump will be in office for a long, long time.

He sure is! The Man In The High Castle is currently on Amazon and could literally be about Donald Trump and it wouldn’t fucking matter.

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