Trump's shrieking spiritual goons get auto-tuned in this all-star remix

Trump's shrieking spiritual goons get auto-tuned in this all-star remix
Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

Say what you will about Donald J. Trump’s hypocritical choir of evangelical opportunists: They certainly have a rhythm to them. This year alone, both televangelist grifter Kenneth Copeland and “spiritual advisor” Paula White saw their unhinged rants get the banger remixes they so richly deserved. A team-up was all but guaranteed.

And now here it is. Below, enjoy an assorted (and auto-tuned) gaggle of Fox News sycophants, prosperity gospel peddlers, and Trump henchmen singing us a new diddy entitled, “Hey Hey, Ha Ha, Ho Ho.” Truly, a song for our times.

Concocted by The Gregory Brothers and featuring a who’s who of loathsome toads—White, Copeland, Tucker Carlson, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Voight, Sean Hannity—“Hey Hey, Ha Ha, Ho Ho” finds these doomsayers warning us of the piss-and-Starbucks-chugging days to come.

Instead of fleeing the sinking ship, the rats have joined the string quartet as the Titanic plunges beneath frigid waters.

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