Trump's "spiritual advisor" calls for "angelic reinforcements," gets remixed into oblivion

Trump's "spiritual advisor" calls for "angelic reinforcements," gets remixed into oblivion
Photo: Mandel Ngan

When last we checked in with Trump “spiritual advisor” and honorary Righteous Gemstones character Paula White, the prosperity gospel peddler was calling for an end to all “satanic pregnancies,” an absolutely normal thing to do. Now, as Trump tries to discredit an election via his Twitter account, she’s doing her part to keep her boss in office by calling upon “angelic reinforcements” from Africa and South America (?). Maybe these celestial beings can convince states to stop counting (or is it keep counting?).

Like most charismatic preachers, White aims to give legitimacy to her nonsense by repeating it over and over (and over and over) with a rhythmic cadence and a sprinkling of tongues that may or not be holy in nature. Is it effective as prayer? Absolutely not. Does it sound sick as hell with a beat beneath it? You tell us.

This is just one of many Paula White remixes to surface online in the last 12 hours, making it a worthy successor to religious grifter Kenneth Copeland’s April coronavirus rant, which spawned a slew of remixes of its own.

Some are drawing upon the beats of Eminem and Wu-Tang…

…while others are using her unholy barks to test-drive some of their own beats…

And now that we have your attention, why not read the below Twitter thread from reporter Sarah Posner that helps unpack just how much greed motivates White, her ministry, and her fealty to Trump.

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