Tumblr reimagines popular movie posters using only emoji

If you ask us, emojis have gotten a little out of hand. A lot of them make sense—the expressions and hearts and the poop—but really what are we supposed to do with a little clip art icon of a camel?

The Tumblr Emoji Films has the perfect answer: movie posters. Each image on this Tumblr page takes a well-known movie and recreates the poster using only emoji. Hey, here’s that camel in the Lawrence of Arabia poster.

Some are ridiculously simple, like the Mary Poppins poster with only words and an umbrella or The Ring with just a VHS tape.

Others, like Titanic, are a little more complicated. This one uses four different emoji, one each for Jack and Rose, one for the boat, and a heart to profess their (un)dying love for one another.

Here are a few more from the site.

[Via Mashable]

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