TV Land, the network for old people, gets a new logo for cool young people

Hey hep cats, your old pal TV Land would like to rap for a bit about its latest stab at reinvention. You see, TV Land’s been “catching a vibe” on “The Twitters” that you might think it’s an old people channel, exclusively for fogeys! But really, nothing could be further from the truth, according to network executive Kim Rosenblum, presumably speaking from under a backwards-turned baseball cap, Capri Suns akimbo:

“The majority of our audience in prime time and weekends are now Gen Xers–vibrant, working adults who grew up on MTV and edgier shows. They demand and deserve a brand that is more connected to where they are today. They are layered and complicated, and their idea of escape is to lean in and go deep. We are a new TV Land for this new audience.”

In the interest of all that layered leaning in and complicated deep-going, the network debuted its new logo today, which is kind of shaped like a lightning boltjust like that Harry Potter you’re all so crazy about, right?along with its new core values: Quality, cleverness, and truth.

The network has already shuffled at least one of its elder statesmanpun intended, in a spirit of clever, honest qualityout of the way, having whisked Hot In Cleveland off the air earlier this year. Now, it’s doubling down on a bevy of youth-oriented new shows, like a sitcom based on the work of edgy alt-comic Jim Gaffigan, and a second season of the network’s hit show Younger, because subtlety is for boring old farts.

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