TV news: Cross as the devil, etc.

The news day is showing clear signs of slowness at the moment, so it's a good time to catch up with some of the week's TV news: David Cross will play the devil, who takes the earth name of Scott, in CBS' comedy pilot I'm In Hell. It's basically a prominent supporting role in a story about a man (Jason Biggs) assigned to suffer an earthbound afterlife because Hell is full. (Hollywood Reporter)

After an energetic but uncertain start, the "shows about sketch comedy shows" genre's showing a lot more staying power, with a second season of 30 Rock officially on the way.

Swirling the Webs is a new mini- and/or non-controversy over the University of Phoenix's use of The New Pornographers' song "The Bleeding Heart Show" in a television ad.

And, as The Sopranos winds down, its cast tells Reuters that it worries about being typecast. Not that typecasting possibly helped the show come together in the first place…

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