TV news: Trouble for Law & Order shows? Newpeats?

This Variety report should get you morbid crime-show people ready for some serious lobbying: NBC might consider getting rid of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and/or cutting costs for other L&O; shows. We might have to walk to the video store again to see Vincent D'Onofrio do his badass stuff. This could get ugly. Still, it's not as if any of the shows are doomed yet.

Whatever happens to CI, the crime-TV audience can be proud that its market power is influencing other nations, as Cold Case and Without A Trace get picked up for international markets.

Missed earlier: NBC's hoping to hold viewers through the repeats stretch with "newpeats," episodes made of pieces of old episodes and deleted scenes, starting this Thursday. How about taking this to its logical conclusion and giving people a digital choose-your-own-adventure Office? E! has details.

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