Twin Peaks’ Michael Horse says Sheriff Truman will come back for the new episodes

After 25 years of Twin Peaks-inspired fashion, Twin Peaks Pop Pilgrimages, Twin Peaks-themed B&Bs, Twin Peaks/Muppet mashups, Twin Peaks recreations on Twitter, Twin Peaks box sets, NES-style Twin Peaks intros, and however many Twin Peaks-related things that The A.V. Club hasn’t reported on, the show that inspired all of that crazy nonsense is finally coming back. Showtime announced just last week that it’s bringing Twin Peaks back for some kind of nine-episode continuation, with co-creators David Lynch and Mark Frost fully on board. This being Twin Peaks, the project is still shrouded in secrecy, so while it seems like a safe assumption that guys like Kyle MacLachlan will return, we don’t really know for sure.

However, Michael Horse, who played Deputy Hawk in the original run of Twin Peaks, is certain that Michael Ontkean’s Sheriff Harry S. Truman is coming back. This comes from Alternative Nation, which sat down with Horse and asked him if he knew anything about which cast members would be returning to Twin Peaks. He claims to have “already heard” that Ontkean is on board, but he’s less sure about anyone else—including himself, apparently. He says he’s received calls from David Lynch’s people, but he doesn’t know yet if it means he’ll be in the show or not. He does note that Hawk is “most people’s favorite” Twin Peaks character—a bold claim, coming from the guy who plays Hawk—and that he thinks “they’d be kind of missing something” if he didn’t at least make an appearance.

As for Kyle MacLachlan, Horse thinks bringing him back would be “a good thing for his career,” referring to his extended appearances on Sex And The City and Desperate Housewives as having turned him into a “yuppie milquetoast jello guy.” Now, Agent Cooper is our second-favorite Twin Peaks character—since Hawk is apparently our favorite—so we don’t want to offend MacLachlan here, but yeah, he has a point. Oh, sure, he was fun on How I Met Your Mother and Portlandia, but we want to see him back on Twin Peaks, smashing his head into that bathroom mirror. Anyway, the Twin Peaks continuation/sequel/whatever is still about two years off, so keep an eye out for three or four thousand more articles like this until then.

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