Twisted Sister goes out on a Christmas novelty note

Twisted Sister has announed that the recently released A Twisted Christmas will be the band's final studio album. In case the title doesn't explain pretty much everything, the album consists almost entirely of Christmas carols rendered competently in Twisted Sister-ish fashion. There's not much original writing on the album, unless one counts the "Twelve Days Of Christmas" update "Heavy Metal Christmas." ("Five stolen rings, four quarts of Jack, three studded belts, two pairs of spandex pants, and a tattoo of Ozzy.") Overall, it's not really all that crazy—isn't recording tortured updates of these songs an American tradition by now? At least Dee Snider and co. embrace the stupidity.

You can stream the whole thing at Twisted Sister's website. The band will start a brief final tour next month in support of the album.

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