Twitter enlists Meg Stalter to try to convince you to pay for Twitter Blue

Meg Stalter can likely convince anyone do to anything…but pay for Twitter? That remains to be seen

Twitter enlists Meg Stalter to try to convince you to pay for Twitter Blue
Meg Stalter in Twitter Blue ad Screenshot: Twitter

Hey, do you waste all your time on Twitter scrolling through bad takes, memes, and bummer news? Would you like to pay to use a platform that’s already free—that, frankly, you should be paid to use because it causes so much distress? And do you need to re-read your tweets one more time to see if that shitty take should still go up, or if you accidentally used “your” instead of “you’re”? If so, Twitter has just the thing for you!

Twitter announced it was launching Twitter Blue, a $2.99 subscription service on the site, last June. It became available in Canada and Australia over the summer. But now the U.S. gets the option to pay for Twitter, too. Yipee!

This subscription service includes features like an undo button that lets you avoid an embarrassing blunder (but only within 60 seconds), reader mode for Twitter threads, bookmarks folders, custom navigation, early access to new features, and being able to read ad-free articles on select websites.

As for those ad-free articles, The Verge reports that it’ll be on sites partnering with Twitter Blue, along with The Washington Post, The Atlantic, BuzzFeed, The Hollywood Reporter, and hundreds of other major publications.

Twitter announced Twitter Blue’s U.S. arrival with a video featuring some recognizable personalities who’ve become celebrities in part thanks to the site, like Dana Donnelly, Meg Stalter, Broman, and Prance.

The video features the comedians and niche internet micro-celebrities in ‘80s jazzercise gear, trying their best to convince you that Twitter Blue will make your experience on the hellsite so much better.

“Are you ready to take Twitter to the next level? Then you need to sign up for Twitter Blue, so you can ‘Twitter’ faster, stronger, harder, smarter…and also stronger,” says Stalter, taking on the infomercial narrator role.

So, will Twitter Blue make your Twitter experience better? Probably not. But points for getting Stalter and the gang to do their best at convincing you otherwise.

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