Ty Burrell and John Legend have both sold TV shows about themselves

If you are a famous person with a moderately interesting backstory made all the more interesting because you are famous now, this is the time to turn that backstory into a sitcom and sell it, because the networks simply can't get enough of how interesting you are. Recent months have seen the development of sitcoms loosely based on the personal lives of people like Adam Levine, Cee Lo, and Michael J. Fox, to name just a few, and now you can add to that list Ty Burrell and John Legend. The former has partnered with his brother, Duncan Burrell, for a sitcom inspired by their childhood about two city slicker families running the only country store in a small Oregon town; naturally, it's already been sold to ABC, who heard the words "family" and "Modern Family" and their fingers began involuntarily signing phantom checks in the air. The latter project finds the R&B singer partnering with Sons Of Tucson co-creators Tommy Dewey and Greg Bratman over at Fox for another tale of a young guy suddenly saddled with child-rearing, but this time based on Legend's own upbringing. "I have this really interesting idea for a sitcom—me," is what celebrities getting development deals right now are saying.

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