Tyler, The Creator arrested for inciting the non-awesome kind of riot at SXSW

On Thursday afternoon in Austin—during an unofficial show sponsored by Converse—Tyler, The Creator was back to making bad choices for unclear reasons. According to a SPIN writer who was there, Tyler encouraged the crowd gathered outside the Scoot Inn, who couldn’t get in because the club was already at capacity, to push down a fence. They did, crowding the venue and crushing those inside together. Fearing real carnage if they shut the show down, the club let it continue, and no injuries were reported. But word clearly got back to the Austin Police, who arrested Tyler at the airport and charged him with inciting a riot, a misdemeanor that carries punishment of up to one year in jail and a fine of $4000, according to the Associated Press. (This whole thing comes just the day after Tyler’s set was cancelled due to the tragedy on Red River.) He’s presumably out of the hoosegow by now, since his bond was just $3500. It’s a small price to pay for the amount of publicity it’s earned him, and since he seems to enjoy even the negative attention, it was kind of a win-win, really. [UPDATE: As a commenter points out below, the Austin PD website has the bond at $25,000, though the affidavit itself says $3500. And now you can read the whole thing, so that’s fun.]

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