Tyrion Lannister beats both Clinton and Trump in recent presidential poll

Sure, the Lannister family rules Westeros through manipulation, intimidation, and straight-up murder on Game Of Thrones. But at least Tyrion was good at it, you know? That seems to be the general sentiment expressed in a recent survey of 2,045 Americans from online pollsters SurveyMonkey, which put the disgraced former Hand of the King in a virtual tie with Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America.

Tyrion—who feels the bern as well, albeit in a different sort of way—was in a virtual tie with Sanders, with both polling at 24 percent among the 397 survey respondents who actually watch Game Of Thrones. (The number of book readers among those is unknown.) Then came Hillary Clinton, who beat her fellow female authority figure Daenerys Targaryen by six points. The rest didn’t do so well: Cersei Lannister came in last with measly one percent support, presumably after alienating conservatives with her anti-High Sparrow comments and everyone else with the whole drunken, power-mad despot thing:

Interestingly, support for Tyrion tended to be bipartisan, while the real-life candidates fell along the expected political lines. Anyway, the whole thing is rather silly, and the survey sample limited to a small number of seemingly left-leaning Game Of Thrones fans. But hey, it’s Friday, and the rest of the world still seems to be sleeping off its post-Prince dance party hangovers anyway. Should you feel so inclined, you can get all wonky with the numbers here.

[via Entertainment Weekly]

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