U2 and Green Day shoddily re-create Abbey Road cover

U2 and Green Day shoddily re-create Abbey Road cover

It's the latest episode in Bono's sprawling "Finding Douchey Ways to Pay Tribute to Musicians I Admire" project. You'd think two well-travelled bands would have the tact not to block traffic in front of London's Abbey Road Studios, but that's just what a couple of videophone-toting business travelers saw U2 and Green Day doing earlier this week. As the chatty Yanks headed out to the famous studio to photograph themselves on the equally famous crosswalk outside, they discovered all seven members of the two bands (who are at the studio recording a cover of The Skids' "The Saints Are Coming," to be debuted at the reopening of New Orleans' Louisiana Superdome) strutting out to do the same. It's all explained in the YouTube video, which includes more footage of the tourists explaining the experience on their cell phones than of the actual famous people. And, as though Bono wasn't already doing enough ass-kissing for everyone on the block, one of the Americans gives us an "I'm a grown man but I simply must get my picture taken with Billy Joe Armstrong" moment.

Bono, if you're going to be the world's greatest fanboy, try to get the little picky stuff right. Not one of you is barefoot, and you're (apparently) blocking a whole lot more traffic than the Beatles ever did. It looks like you're trying to fill in for the suited Ringo (even though you're technically in the John Lennon position), but I'm really disappointed that you didn't take off your own shoes and socks, park a little off-white VW nearby, light a ciggie, cross the road, and explain to everyone present the "Paul's Funeral" concept behind the Abbey Road album cover (and find some new way to say how great the Beatles are). Or divert traffic to side streets, promising drivers free copies of Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man, featuring more of your adulation antics. The official versions of the photos, on the U2 website, look like crap. You won't be a real sycophant until you try a little harder, Bonster.

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