Uber’s CEO uses the company’s lactation rooms as a meditation space

Expressing what we can only assume is an absolutely inexhaustible thirst for inner peace, a bizarre anecdote from Arianna Huffington suggests that embattled Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has begun using his company’s lactation rooms as a meditation space. Kalanick—who just fired 20 of the company’s employees over ongoing problems with sexual harassment—apparently excused himself from a recent meeting in order to center himself, stepped into an unoccupied room normally reserved for breastfeeding mothers, and proceeded to get his chakras back in whack.

Besides earning the new title of “Most Oedipal Thing Ever, Silicon Valley Tech Bro Edition,” Kalanick’s new happy place is apparently the result of board member Huffington, who’s been advising him on improving the company’s oft-criticized corporate culture. To be fair to Kalanick, the lactation room he used was unoccupied, and the company doesn’t have any dedicated mediation spaces—yet—but we still can’t imagine it’d be easy to feed and bond with your baby when you can hear “Ommmm, brah, ommmmm” coming from the room next door.

[via CNBC]

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