Undercover 2012: Help us pick the songs!
You wanted the best, you got the best: Undercover 2012 starts now, and we need your help. The series will once again launch in March, timed with our SXSW day party (details soon!), and will feature 25 bands covering 25 songs in our round room. You know the drill. We're looking for your help in picking which songs will make the master list, and to that end you'll find 12 categories below. Vote for your favorite in each category, then give us a whiz-bang suggestion for another song to be covered, as well as the band you'd most like to see in the round room. Remember, when suggesting songs, we're avoiding songs by artists that have already been covered in the series. You don't need to answer in every category if you don't want to. You do need to provide a valid e-mail address to avoid multiple voting, but we won't spam you. Voting closes January 25, and we'll announce the full list shortly thereafter. Oh, and to make this whole thing even easier, you'll see an embedded Rdio playlist below with samples of all the songs, as well as a link to a separate Rdio playlist that you can add your suggestions to. (Rdio's kinda fun—totally unpaid endorsement, check it out…) Thanks in advance for voting!
Add your song suggestions to our Rdio playlist: