Universal pushes back its upcoming monster movies, as well as Pacific Rim 2

Universal had been hoping to draw audiences into a whole new shared universe with a reboot of The Mummy next summer, but it now appears that we won’t see shuffling, bandaged ghouls terrorizing whoever takes over for Brendan Fraser until March 24, 2017. The delay is part of a larger reshuffling that will push back subsequent Universal monster movies as well. An unspecified monster movie has been driven back from April 21, 2017 by pitchforked mobs, and is being kept at bay until March 30, 2018.

Not content to mess with monsters known for fraternizing with Abbott and Costello, Universal is also postponing Pacific Rim 2 from April 7, 2017, to August 4, 2017. Warcraft, the movie based on the game that turns humans into deskbound, level-grinding zombies, has been moved back a few weeks from March to June 10, 2016.

Universal also announced the January 6, 2017 open of Mena, which features Tom Cruise as a drug smuggler who is hired to by the CIA to go undercover and infiltrate the Church of Scientology. That last part is made up. Probably.

Finally, there are some monsters just too scary for Universal to fuck with: Kong: Skull Island will still issue simian roars on March 10, 2017.

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