UPDATE: Ann Coulter cruelly inconvenienced after Delta asks her to switch seats on flight

Back in April, United Airlines pulled off one of the worst PR moves in recent history when it forced a man to give up his seat on a flight and then proceeded to literally drag him back to the gate—busting his lip and causing a gruesomely bloody display in the process. For most people, it was easy to sympathize with the guy who had blood all over his face just because he didn’t want to give in to the whims of a tyrannical corporation, but some people found it surprisingly easy to side with the villains. Unsurprisingly, one such person was Ann Coulter, and after she learned that the man was a doctor who immigrated from Vietnam, she offered a bone to her racist Trumper fans and declared that the man should be deported:

Now, in a development that will have to be added to the “schadenfreude” page on Wikipedia, Coulter herself was recently forced to give up a seat on an airplane as well, and she took it about as well as you’d expect—which is to say that she went on a ridiculous Twitter rampage. In Coulter’s defense, though, what happened to her was extremely terrible: According to The Washington Post, she had pre-selected a seat with extra leg room, and then had to give up that specific seat and move to a different seat in the same row even though she’s rich and relatively famous. Really, if Ann Coulter can’t even get special treatment in this country anymore, than what good was letting Russia elect Donald Trump?

As for Coulter’s Twitter tirade, she complained about an employee “snatching” her ticket and refusing to apologize:

She shared photos of employees she talked to:

And then she made sure that everyone saw the face of the woman who took her seat, claiming that she’s “not elderly, child, or sick.”

The Washington Post story also points out that Coulter has a history of complaining about Delta on Twitter, which makes one wonder why she—a rich and famous person who requires special treatment—would continue to use an airline that she continuously criticizes.

UPDATE: The Delta Twitter account has responded to Coulter’s complaints in a brilliantly merciless dunk:

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