UPDATE: Hear two new Arcade Fire songs—for real this time—from The Suburbs and check out the cover art

UPDATE: Hear two new Arcade Fire songs—for real this time—from The Suburbs and check out the cover art

Those left wanting by the recent 10-second teases of new Arcade Fire material now have two entire songs on which to base their premature evaluations/dismissals. “The Suburbs” b/w “Month Of May” will be officially released on June 1, but you can hear them both right now. Hey, dig Win Butler’s crazy falsetto.

UPDATE: Overnight, the band added some information on new album, The Suburbs, to its website. Looks like it'll be out August 3 (August 2 in the U.K.) and the image below is the cover. The band also posted a handwritten letter containing a few more details on how to buy the new single below that.

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