UPDATE: Kesha says she was offered to be let out of her contract if she’d “apologize”

Kesha’s legal battle against Sony and Lukasz “Dr. Luke” Gottwald over her longtime producer’s alleged history of abusing the singer (and Sony’s refusal/inability to let her out of the contract with him) is still going on, but this weekend the whole thing has taken another unfortunately ugly turn. In a post on her Instagram, Kesha claims that she was offered a chance to be let out of her contract if she’d “apologize publicly” and say that she was never raped. However, Kesha says she “will not take back the truth” and that she “would rather let the truth ruin [her] career than lie for a monster ever again.”

In the post, Kesha doesn’t specify whether this offer came from Sony or Gottwald’s people, but either way it’s another example of just how vicious this legal battle has been ever since it started.

UPDATE: Dr. Luke’s lawyers have now issued a statement to Rolling Stone, which you can read in full below.

The Court repeatedly stated Kesha is already free to record without Dr. Luke, and that she had not presented any facts supporting her claims. That’s because all the evidence – including Kesha’s own videotaped sworn testimony – show her allegations are false. The only thing Kesha is not free to do is to continue to lie about Dr. Luke through publicity stunts and outrageous smears, ignoring the fact that by her own free will she went to work and entered into new contracts with Dr. Luke years after this ‘incident’ supposedly happened. Her goal all along has been solely personal enrichment by seeking to break contracts that brought her success and millions so she can enter into more lucrative ones. We look forward to our day in court holding Kesha accountable for her lies

[via Pitchfork]

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