UPDATE: Ricky Gervais says he's been asked to host the Golden Globes again; Golden Globes say, "No way"

Ricky Gervais’ performance at the Golden Globes may have briefly upset the delicate sensibilities of celebrities who don’t read the Internet—as well as Judd Apatow, for some reason—but the hard truth remains that the ratings were up, people are still talking about, and thus the Hollywood Foreign Press Association wants him to come back for a third year and do it all over again. Or, at least, that’s what Gervais tells the U.K.’s Heat, though he adds, “I don't think I should. I don't know what I could do better. I certainly couldn't get more press for them, that's for sure. You know me. Two seasons is enough.” Of course, Gervais has already weighed in on this once before, but only hypothetically; knowing that the HFPA actually extended the offer, even while publicly distancing itself from him and saying that he had “crossed a line” suggests that maybe, just maybe the Golden Globes is not the bastion of integrity we all thought it was.

UPDATE: The HFPA has now denied they made any such offer. Association president Philip Berk said in a statement, "We have not asked him to come back. Nice try, Ricky."

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