UPDATED: Alamo Drafthouse replaces The Interview with Team America: World Police—or not

One question that keeps coming up in discussions about The Interview is, “Why this movie? This isn’t the first movie making fun of North Korea.” Maybe it’s a matter of degree— The Interview features actor Randall Park as North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, while Team America: World Police, which made fun of Jong-un’s father Kim Jong-il, only killed a puppet version of the Dear Leader. Or maybe Kim Jong-il just wasn’t a big comedy fan (he was more of a monster movie guy), and that’s why Team America was released in theaters in 2004 without causing an international incident.

As it stands, Team America is now the definitive “fuck you North Korea” comedy of the new millennium. And the Texas (where freedom comes from)-based Alamo Drafthouse theater chain is running with this concept, showing Team America instead of The Interview. So far there is only one screening, scheduled for December 27 at 7 PM at the Alamo’s Dallas-Fort Worth location, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, the screening will be free and employees will be giving out “American flags and other patriotic items,” so there’s that. It’ll also be a sing-along, so viewers can release all their anger about having to see Unbroken with their families on Christmas now by yelling “FUCK YEAH!”and waving a tiny flag.

UPDATED: Deadline is now reporting that Paramount has canceled the Alamo Drafthouse’s upcoming screening of Team America: World Police, as well as a screening at Cleveland’s Capitol Theater. The Alamo Drafthouse says that the cancelation is “due to circumstances beyond our control.”

Team America: World Police is still available for streaming on Netflix.

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