UPDATED: Brangelina reduced to component parts as Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

Just about a year after they gave us By The Sea—their game of dress-up/marriage counseling disguised as a major motion picture—Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are divorcing, according to TMZ. Per the report, it’s Jolie who filed for divorce, and she wants “physical custody” of their six-child brood, with Pitt being allowed visitation. She cited “irreconcilable differences.” This news marks the end of perhaps the most high-profile Hollywood relationship out there. It, of course, is one that began in controversy, given that Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston when he and Jolie met making 2005’s Mr. And Mrs. Smith. (Twitter is already flooded with “Team Jen” jokes.) Pitt and Jolie only got hitched in 2014, after nearly a decade together.

Pitt has a movie, Robert Zemeckis’ Allied, coming up in November, so expect that press tour to be full of awkward questions.

UPDATE: Jolie’s lawyer, Robert Offer, released a statement to Reuters: “This decision was made for the health of the family. She will not be commenting, and asks that the family be given its privacy at this time.”

UPDATE, 12:32 p.m.: Now Pitt has issued a statement via People, confirming the breakup. “I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids,” he said. “I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

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