UPDATED: Kurt Metzger controversy continues, but Inside Amy Schumer isn’t canceled

Kurt Metzger’s a comedian who’s appeared on shows like Horace And Pete and has been a writer on Inside Amy Schumer. But a recent social media shitstorm about the UCB in New York has had the unintended effect of revealing that he’s no longer in Comedy Central’s employ. It all started about a week ago, when word broke that the Upright Citizens Brigade’s comedy network had banned a prominent comedian and alleged serial rapist. A screenshot of a post in a private group about the matter began to make the rounds; its author was not one of the alleged victims, but someone speaking on their behalf. The UCB conducted an investigation before deciding to ban the comedian from the network.

Apparently, Metzger took exception with this “mob mentality,” which is how he regards the kind of online activism that prompted someone to reach out (in a private group) about the matter, and offer the contact information of a UCB counselor to any other alleged victims out there. Metzger began railing about it in a “satirical” Facebook post that for some reason lumps in women’s push for greater representation in film with the UCB’s concern for the safety of its members/students.

Some of this information was included in our post about Reductress’ (more effective) satirical response to the sexual assault controversy. The A.V. Club also noted that Amy Schumer had tweeted her disappointment in Metzger, whom she called a friend and great writer.

But Metzger wasn’t done; he seemed to equate a private business’ decision to close its doors to an alleged serial rapist with the denial of due process. He then suggested that there is a “correct” way to handle being sexually assaulted by sharing the advice he received from a police officer, which states that no one should “try” a case on social media.

As Metzger continued on his “anti-witch hunt” tear, people continued to reach out to Schumer for her response on the unfolding controversy. She blocked a lot of those users, but then posted a follow-up tweet that indicated Metzger no longer worked for her. Metzger then claimed that Schumer only responded because he told her to.

Metzger was credited as one of her writers as recently as June, in an interview where he’s described as Schumer’s “male id.” So The A.V. Club reached out to Comedy Central about the status of Metzger’s employment, but, as of the time of this writing, the cable network hadn’t responded. But some kind of statement is probably in the works now that Schumer has clarified that Metzger wasn’t fired from the show, because it no longer exists.

The sketch show was renewed by Comedy Central for a fifth season back in January.

UPDATE: Amy Schumer has clarified her statements about the status of her show. Inside Amy Schumer has not been canceled, but Schumer won’t return to work on it for a while—she’s taking time to focus on her stand-up and writing. Schumer’s also on a book tour right now for The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo.

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