UPDATED: McDonald’s Twitter account goes rogue, mocks Trump’s “tiny hands”

Donald Trump’s love of McDonald’s has been well documented, even if it was probably just a ploy to make himself seem down-to-earth. Actually, considering his affinity for dumping ketchup on things, he could very well have an authentic appreciation for the Golden Arches’ sandwiches. Regardless, it surely must have wounded his special sauce-coated heart to see this tweet go out from the official McDonald’s Twitter account:

That went up early this morning, though it was almost immediately taken down. We don’t know if Trump saw it, since he’s given to tweeting as part of his morning constitutional, but there’s bound to be an official statement from the White House about the failing multibillion-dollar fast food giant. The A.V. Club has reached out to a McDonald’s spokesperson for a response. In the interim, our hat’s off to the rogue employee who put this out there for posterity. They join these rogue national parks accounts that make up the online resistance.

UPDATE: McDonald’s just posted a tweet explaining that its Twitter account was hacked, and it’s investigating the issue.

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