Vatican now investigating how Pope Francis' Instagram liked photo of woman's butt

Vatican now investigating how Pope Francis' Instagram liked photo of woman's butt
He’s about to lower those glasses in appreciation, isn’t he? Photo: Andreas Solaro

The pope’s Instagram account—already a sentence that feels strange to type—liked a photo of a woman in a schoolgirl outfit sticking her butt out last week. This is obviously hilarious, both because it’s now the world’s foremost example of being horny on main and because the Vatican has now had to launch an investigation into which celibate old guy couldn’t help himself from publicly admiring a model’s cheeks.

Catholic News Agency reported that “the Vatican is investigating usage of the papal Instagram account” and “unliked” the photo on November 14th, a day after people first started to spread word of what happened. While “an official for the Holy See Press Office declined to comment on the event” to CNA, the publication notes that “sources close to the Vatican press office confirmed… that the pope’s various social media accounts are managed by a team of employees, and that an internal investigation is underway to determine how the ‘like’ happened.”

The model who’s thrown the Vatican into panic mode just by showing her ass to a camera is Natalia Garibotto, who deserves recognition for rolling with everything so gracefully. Since learning that the Vatican approves of her can, Garibotto has tweeted that her entrance to heaven is now guaranteed and that she’s heading to the Vatican, presumably to become the Catholic Church’s first woman pope now that she’s so effortlessly defeated the minds of its social media managers with her butt.

Social media, something Pope Francis once declared would “always be spaces that are rich in humanity!,” has obviously taken a great interest in this whole affair, aptly demonstrating just how “rich in humanity” it can be when a literally holier than thou institution gets caught being horny on Instagram.

Most people probably imagine that the Vatican wants to get this whole scandal dealt with as quickly as possible. (The pope did warn us in the past that cell phone usage would lead us astray.) But we think that, just maybe, this is just the latest attempt by the Church to show how liberal Pope Francis can really be. For that, we applaud the canny PR move and look forward to seeing which other Instagram models are given the official approval of God’s earthly representative.

[via Daily Beast]

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