Wal-Mart: soon with more Eagles merchandise

Wal-Mart is to your neighborhood record shop what the Eagles are to the Flying Burrito Brothers, so it's appropriate that the Eagles have rewarded Wal-Mart's environmental efforts with a deal that will bring the chain exclusive releases from the group. Yes, the only thing that could be better than the interminable string of reunion CDs and DVDs surely to come is a strategic marketing partnership that will force you to consider buying them when all you want is a deal on bulk condoms.

Variety speculates that the chain's newly announced plans to cut its energy use impressed environmentalist and drummer-who-sings-guy Don Henley. Hey, in a pinch, the 'Mart could even pay its employees in Eagles records. It's likely that working there and listening to "Hotel California" evoke many of the same feelings (desperation, confusion, alcoholism, no mention of healthcare), so why not?

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