Warner Bros. reminds you about Cyborg by sticking him in The Flash

It’s a time-honored tradition in superhero movies for studios to use a couple of minutes of their current hot property to get people excited for the next. (Who remembers how exciting it was to see Hawkeye pop up for a minute in Thor, huh? With his bow?) Even so, it seems like Warner Bros. and D.C. have been taking this game of superhero leapfrog to extremes; Batman V. Superman devoted a good chunk of its non-Martha-shouting runtime to a subplot that was essentially a Russian nesting doll of glorified cameos, with Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman stumbling on Lex Luthor’s secret vault of branded D.C. superhero content. More recently, meanwhile, Ezra Miller’s Flash had a brief appearance in Suicide Squad, alongside a more prominent cameo by Ben Affleck’s Batman.

Now, Variety is reporting that The Flash will be getting a drop-in of his own, in the form of Ray Fisher’s heroic Cyborg. We got our first real glimpses of Fisher in action as half-metal hero Vic Stone when Warner Bros. released a sneak peek of Justice League at Comic-Con last month, although he didn’t get as much air time as Jason Momoa’s Aquaman or Miller’s Flash. Presumably, we’ll see a lot more of him when that film hits theaters next year, but that still leaves a lot of time between then and 2020, when a standalone Cyborg movie is currently set. Hence, presumably, the appearance in The Flash, which is scheduled for March 2018. No word on how big or what form Fisher’s appearance in the movie will take, but we we’re always suckers for more cryptic, time-travel-based shouting.

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