Warner Bros. still believes "the girls" want more Sex And The City, considers adapting The Carrie Diaries

It’s racked up terrible reviews, underperformed at the box office, and stretched the human tolerance for puns to a breaking point, but Sex And The City 2: The Sands Of Time still has one thing going for it: The slightly patronizing justifications of Warner Bros. distribution head Dan Fellman, who wants to “see what happens when girls go out during the week,” and finally break free of the family commitments that he believes kept them from seeing the movie en masse over Memorial Day. By Fellman’s estimation, the sequel should be a slow but steady performer over several weeks of “girls’ night out”—perhaps even enough to justify a third film, which he’d “love to see.”

And what would that sequel look like, besides disconcertingly taut? Actually, the most immediate contender for another Sex And The City movie is rumored to be an adaptation of Candace Bushnell’s The Carrie Diaries, the 1970s-set origin story that answered burning fan questions like, “Where did Carrie first acquire her taste for wearing jewelry crafted in the shape of her own name?” and, “Am I really so invested in this character that I’m actually going to read about what she did in high school?” While Bushnell has said that there’s no official talk of adaptation yet, sources have told E! News that they “aren’t about to let go of the Carrie franchise anytime soon,” because “people are still having fun with it. Of course they want the teen years.”

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