Warner Bros. threatens film snobs with 70mm Batman V Superman

It’s been easy for film fanatics to get behind the recent push for 70mm film projection, what with Quentin Tarantino—one of their ownleading the charge. But now, the aspect ratio snobs in the audience will have a tougher pill to swallow if they want to show their continued devotion to the art of non-digital projection: a mainstream, CGI-heavy superhero throwdown.

Yep, Warner Bros., apparently figuring that, if The Weinstein Company is going to shell out all this money to outfit theaters around the country with 70mm projectors, someone should probably put the things to use, is hinting that they might release Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice in 70mm. (Director Zach Snyder apparently shot the film in 65mm IMAX, meaning that 70mm would be the ideal way to catch every nuance of the delicately crafted CGI punchfights, or all the pebbles on the movie’s big, goofy-looking rock monster of a bad guy.)

And so we come to the dilemma now facing the discerning cinephile: Do they kneel before Snyd, and subject themselves to crowd-pleasing superhero fights and whatever that thing on Jesse Eisenberg’s head is, in order to show the viability of the format? Or hold off, leaving it to implode on itself like Krypton, with only interplanetary film buff baby Tarantino left to carry its legacy forward into the future?

[via /Film]

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