Warren Buffett is "a huge fan" of Breaking Bad, thinks Walter White is "a great businessman"

Billionaire investor and philanthropist Warren Buffett expressed his love for AMC's Breaking Bad along with his professional admiration for antihero Walter White's business acumen at the AMC show's final season premiere in New York yesterday. "I’m a huge fan,” the 82-year-old chairman and CEO of of Berkshire Hathaway told a BuzzFeed reporter. "Not only is the story compelling—it’s a really an interesting story—but the acting is superb." He then praised the work done byleads Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn, whose acting skills he compared to Meryl Streep's.

While discussing a sketch—involving Berkshire-owned See’s Candies peanut brittle as a stand-in for Blue Sky crystal meth—that Buffett filmed with Cranston and Paul for a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting earlier this year, the former richest man in the world laughingly described unlikely meth kingpin Walter White as "a great businessman." There's no way that's going to come back to haunt him.

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